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Here is the FAQ'S

All patients are first triaged by an ER nurse. Then patients are evaluated by a physician. Patients who have a higher acuity of illness (i.e. heart attack or stroke) may be treated before those patients with less severe conditions (laceration, sprained ankle, etc.). Your patience is always appreciated.

Patients are able to eat after all their tests are completed and the physician has evaluated the results. On average, it is within three to four hours. However, it is sometimes necessary for patients to remain "NPO" (nothing by mouth) until further tests and/or studies are completed.

Because pain medication can mask important clues to your medical condition, it may not be given until tests are completed and the physician has evaluated the results. However, treatment for pain is important so please let your nurse or physician know when you are experiencing pain or if there is no relief from the medication that was prescribed.